Music is an amazing tool and we are experts at using it to help you meet your goals.
Our music therapy treatment programs are full of live music predominantly, and a range of music therapy techniques that are based around engaging in or with music to meet your identified goals.
We make music, share music, create new music and recreate favourite songs.
We also use music as a tool in what might appear to look like non-musical activities, such as speaking in rhythmic time to work on speech prosody, crossing the midline to reach for or play musical instruments, or building stories to sing on felt boards or with blocks.
We might march to a beat or work with colours and blocks. Movement will be put to music to help the brain prepare for and carry out motor actions.
Our music therapy treatment programs use elements of music and neuroscience to enhance, develop and maintain the health, functioning and wellbeing of our clients and use various musical interventions (including adapted lessons) to achieve their musical and non-musical / NDIS goals.

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