World Down Syndrome Congress 2024

Clinical Services Manager at Music Beat Therapy Services, Kate Fletcher-Becroft, was fortunate to present and perform at the World Down Syndrome Congress (WDSC) 2024 in Brisbane, from the 10th – 12th July. She presented some of her own papers as well as presenting together with one of her clients Dave, and performing with the DSQ […]

Assistive Solutions in music therapy

What exactly does an “Assistive Solutions Team Leader” do? Music Beat Therapy Service’s brand-new Assistive Solutions Team Leader, Tom Hockey, answers some of the most commonly asked questions of what exactly this new role involves, and what it means for our clients. Making music more accessible for everyone To use a lot of jargon, the […]

Mental Wellbeing and Fitness

Introducing Lucia Phelan as Team Leader for Mental Wellbeing and Fitness Many of you know Miss Lucia, one of our Registered Music Therapists, but did you know she is passionate about all things concerning mental well being? That’s why we have introduced a new and innovative role for Miss Lucia as Team Leader for Mental […]

With change comes opportunity

8 tips to help children and adults with additional needs to manage change by Lucia Phelan, RMT, NMT, Team Leader for Wellbeing and Mental Fitness This month Music Beat Therapy Services welcomed our first clients and families to our new therapy space at Clayfield. It has been so exciting seeing it all come together, and […]

Your First Music Therapy Session

Your first music therapy session will be an opportunity to get to know your music therapist, ask any questions you might have, and for the therapist to start getting to know you. We acknowledge that meeting a new person and/or going somewhere new can be overwhelming or anxiety inducing, so we have come up with […]

Registered NDIS Provider for music therapy

NDIS Commission confirms certification We are very excited to announce that we have received confirmation from the NDIS Commission that Music Beat Australia has been approved to be an NDIS fully certified and registered provider. This confirmation follows an extensive certification audit process we undertook in 2020 with an independent approved quality auditor. The auditor […]

Three Music Therapy techniques explained

Every wondered why music therapists do the things they do? Why we use music in certain ways? What we do certainly looks fun and believe me it is!! We have the best jobs making music and helping people achieve their goals every day. But there is also a more serious side to what we do. […]

Helping rural & regional kids with hearing loss

Music therapy helping kids to hear, listen and speak This week Miss Vicky took our Music Beat Therapy program to Hear and Say where families from regional and rural Australia joined her for a fun morning of music making. Miss Vicky ran a group as a part of Hear and Say’s Telepractice services. Hear and […]

Neurologic music therapy training

Professional development at Music Beat Therapy Services At Music Beat Therapy Services we use both traditional and neurologic music therapy approaches in our sessions, which are tailored to each client’s needs and goals. Last week, our therapists Kate and Tara completed their fellowship training in neurologic music therapy (NMT). They presented their clinical work on […]

Music is life for us!

On World Down Syndrome Day, we’re thrilled to publish this guest blog from Cassandra Dinkelman and the Gorgeous George about how music has positively influenced her son’s life. As a child, I was in the Primary School Choir and recorder group from about Grade 2. I moved on to instrumental music, continuing in the choir […]