We invite all feedback including constructive feedback at all times. You can contact any of our team at any time if you have questions, comments, feedback or complaints at [email protected] or by calling 0415 441 341.
You can also complete the form below.
Please read your Service Agreement for specific ways to provide feedback or make a complaint if you feel it is necessary, including your right to go directly to the NDIA at any time.
In addition, Music Beat is continually seeking feedback on how we can improve our services. This includes an annual satisfaction survey, requests for feedback by staff after sessions, and involving you in our future plans for business growth. Please feel free to provide any suggestions you have for improvements to services to our team.
Complaints will be managed as per the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: Complaints Management and Resolution Guidance, Version 2.1 – September 2019 and the NDIS Effective Complaint Handling Guidelines for NDIS Providers.